Join the JTC volunteer trail crew
JTC volunteer trail crew is a community of volunteers dedicated to giving back to the Ruby Jack and Frisco Greenway trails. Mostly this involves trail maintenance, such as, trimming trees and cutting back brush but we sometimes have construction and other types of projects to participate in, such as staffing SAG stations at rides and other types of events. We have an Adopt a Trail program for dedicated volunteers to serve as trail captains on a short section of trail or a year and to get a real sense of ownership in the trails. Learn more about the Adopt a Trail program.
Special volunteer opportunities: Let us know in the comment form if you are interested and able to help in any of these ways:
- Operate maintenance equipment: sprayers, brush hog, skid steer, etc.
- Kiosk posting
- Photography/Newsletter/Design
- Adopt a trail
- Construction/Benches/ Trail water-bars
- Admin, office
- Social media
You can also post any maintenance needs here, to get it to the people who are available to help with any immediate trail issues.
We have a Facebook maintenance group you can join below if you wish.
You can also sign up in the form below.